Após quase duas horas de flutuação na água algumas pessoas tomaram um barco para descer o rio da prata e outras pessoas continuaram nadando até o final do passeio onde encontramos muitas borboletas. Dourado ( Tubarão da Agua doce).
Nós gostamos muito do passeio porque tivemos a oportunidade de conhecer um dos ecossistemas mais ricos em quanto a diversidade de animais e de plantas.
Quando chegamos na recepção comemos um almoço que estava muito bom e depois cochilamos nas redes e relaxamos. Quando retornávamos ao hotel nós conhecemos uma fruta típica do cerrado chamada guavira. Depois que chegamos no hotel assistimos um vídeo sobre algumas coisas para fazer o dia de amanhã, depois vamos jantar e vamos passear na cidade.
Iga e Manou, mergulhando no vulcão.
Today we woke up at 6:30 in the morning. We had a good breakfast and we went to a place called ¨Rio da Prata¨ (The silver river). When we arrived at the reception, we were divided in to 5 groups with 7 exchangestudents, and an adult each. Then we went for a walk for 45 minutes in the forest, and ended up at the spring of the river. A wonderful place!!! When we came there, we took on our equitments for snorkling and went in the water. With help from the mask we were able to see many fish, big, small and colourful. After we began to travel down the river with the help of the current, after some minutes of floating we saw a turtle swimming in the middle of the river. It got scared and swam away..
Galera iniciando o passeio do Rio Olho D'Água.
We continued our journey down the river until we arrived at the well known bubblespring at bottom of the river. There, we could swim to the bottom, touch the sand, and take many photos.After almost two hours in the water some were picked up by a boat and others continued swimming to the end where we saw many butterflies.
Débora apreciando as àguas do Rio da Prata.
We liked the activity alot because it gave the oppertunity to see one of the richest and diverse ecosystems in the world.
When we returned to the reception we ate a good lunch and relaxed in the hamacks. Next we returned to the hotel, were we had the oppertunities to taste a special fruit called Guavira. After we wacthed a film about the oppertunities for tomorrows activities.
Now we will eat dinner and go to the city.
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